Import full history

Shortwave imports your last 90 days of email history when you first sign up. To import your entire Gmail history and unlock unlimited search history, you'll need to upgrade your account.

If you do not already have a paid account

  1. Go to Settings > Billing & Teams
  2. Click "Upgrade"
  3. Enter your billing information securely in Stripe
  4. Click "Activate premium features" once you are redirected back to Shortwave
  5. Shortwave will send you an email when your import is complete

If you already have a paid account

  1. Go to Settings > Overview
  2. Click "Import full history"
  3. Shortwave will send you an email when your import is complete

The import process will run in the background, so you can close the app at any time. It may take several hours for us to import your full history, although we do import it in reverse chronological order.